True Fellowship
Philippians 2: 1 (since) If there be therefore
any consolation (encouragement) in Christ,
if any comfort of love,
if any fellowship (participation) of the Spirit,
if any bowels (affection, tenderness) and mercies (sympathy, compassion)
2 Fulfill (complete) ye my joy,
that ye be (by being)
likeminded (same),
having the same love,
being of one accord (united in spirit), of one mind. (one purpose)
3 Let (do) nothing be done through strife (selfish ambition) or vainglory (conceit) ;
but in lowliness of mind (humility) let each esteem (consider) other better than themselves.
4 Look not every man on his own things, but (also/rather) every man also on the things (interests) of others.